
The term "you doing too much" is a grammatically incorrect phrase used to identify a person, place or thing, that is doing exactly that; the act of “doing too much” or more then they can handle. These actions can be simple as someone dressed inappropriately to political views.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I mean it's for a good cause but......well....I don't know, he might get a pass for this one. He is doing too much, but for the right reason.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Travie McCoy Arrested in Berlin

Hip-Hoppers, Heads, B-boys, and Back Packers are all numerous names of groups of graffiti artists and/or break dancers. I was in a group called DNA, which stood for Destroying National Artifacts. Those were the days, I also did a little break dancing as well.

Travie McCoy, lead singer/rapper from the group Gym Class Heroes got arrested in Berlin. He became a member of the, “tweeting got me in trouble” club. McCoy tweeted while he was in front of the Berlin wall and noted that he was going to “get up” before he leaves. By Hip - Hop definition, “to get up” means to tag or do graffiti somewhere. Shortly after, McCoy took a twitpic of him and his work:

McCoy must have followers whom are or know the Berlin Police Department, because McCoy and the gentlemen with him were soon arrested. They had to pay a little over $2,000 and then they were released. McCoy had a show in Amsterdam and after arriving he tweeted, "Sooo true, better than drugs!!RT @jerygeeque: @TravieMcCoy no matter how big u get, u can't ever get rid of that graf bug once ur infected."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tight or Ridiculous? New Dance Burnin In South America

I think we did the harlem shake, the chicken head, and the bankhead bounce. Nowadays I think they’re doing dances called, the jerk and the dougie. I guess in South America they feel like, why would we want to dance by ourselves, lets dance together. Sort of. The dance is called “The Choke.” It’s very easy to do, the girl pushes he butt back and the guy strategically bumps different parts of his body on her butt.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

All That - The Inconvenience Store

This is a skit from the show All That which was on Nickelodeon. This particular episode aired on the 5th season of the show. The overly exaggerated skit was meant to be funny but wasn’t. I know other comedians like Martin Lawrence and Jamie Foxx have done similar sketches, but this is doing entirely too much especially on this particular network. I really don’t know the target audience for this show but one has to wonder with it being on Nickelodeon.

Nick Cannon is more than Mariah Carey’s husband. Cannon began his acting career at Nickelodeon at a young age. Now as an adult, Cannon is the host of America’s Got Talent, produced the successful show Wild N’ Out, starred and wrote in a few movies, serves as a radio personality, and finally Cannon moonlights as a comedian. Many of you may not know but Nick Cannon is Chairman of TeenNick and the development and creative consultant for the Nickelodeon.

The other gentleman in the skit is Kenan Thompson. He is also a byproduct of Nickelodeon. Thompson joined the cast of Saturday Night Live in 2003.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dating The Modern Mid-Twenties Black Man

Excuse the language. This is somewhat exaggerated, but somewhat true as well. I can't lie.

Monday, October 18, 2010

BET Awards 2010 Antoine Dodson Performs The Bed Intruder Song

In case you missed it, Antoine Dodson made an appearance at the BET Awards.  The Gregory Brothers auto-tuned Dodson's interview with reporters about the home intruder that broke into his family's apartment. The video became a Youtube hit, with over 33 million views. The auto-tuned song was put on iTunes and sold over 100,000 copies. Although the sales of song helped Dodson move his family out of the projects and gave him instant celebrity, I just didn't see how this performance was relevant to the show.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gilbert Arenas faked a knee injury

We definitely have to remember that athletes are human beings just like you and I. They make good decisions and they make bad decisions just like all of us. The differences are, they get paid lots of money, they’re famous, and almost all of their mistakes are publicized in the media.

Washington Wizards’ point guard Gilbert Arenas faked a knee injury in efforts to let rookie, Nick Young play in a pre-season game. I mean on one hand you might say, that’s what teammates do, they look out for one and another. On the other hand, you might wonder, did Arenas need to do something so extreme so Young could play. The reason why Arenas gets a, “you doing too much,” is because last season he was suspended for 50 games and received a felony conviction for bringing unloaded handguns into the locker room. If you have that hovering over your name the last thing you want is to put yourself back in the media in a negative light and get on the NBA’s or your teams bad side.

Needless to say, Nick Young played and scored 24 points. The Wizards' fined Arenas but didn’t suspend him. Arenas had this to say, “I screwed up again, so I just want to say sorry," he said. "I wasn't really thinking that this was going to be another media outburst. It's like everything I do now, someone, tit for tat, tries to blow it out of proportion.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Justin Bieber is coming out with a line of ....nail polish?

Musicians and rappers have put their names on almost everything. Anything from Chopper City’s (Diddy’s Making the Band 2) potato chips to Nelly’s workout DVDs. Branding gives an artist an opportunity to capitalize financially on their name and fame.

Teen superstar and internet sensation, Justin Bieber has officially stepped out the box with his branding. Mr. Bieber is reportedly coming out with a new line of nail polish.. I know, I know, take a second and let it sink in. The nail polish line is a collaboration with Nicole by OPI. The line will have 14 colors, each color will be named after his songs off his album, and will be sold at Walmart. Part of the nail polish line will be released in December 2010. I know ya’ll can’t wait!!

A sixteen year old male singer marketing a nail polish line? Although he gets a “You doing too much,” I can only see this as being profitable primarily because Bieber’s fan base is young females.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

90-Year-Old Woman Calls Up On C-Span! "I Want To Ask A Colored Man A Que...

In 2010?

Quick Hits 10-9-2010

I don't even know where to start. I mean it's just a little too much to walk around outside with this on. I don't know what she looks like, I didn't take the photo. I'm going to take a guess and say she is under 30, I hope, nontheless no female should wear this outside.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dwight Howard - Fast Don't Lie - Adidas Music Video (2010)

Is this supposed to be funny? not so much. Still dont want a pair of his Addidas. This was probably his idea.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Google #Fail ?????

“My life, my life, my life…… the sunshine.” It should be more like my life, my life, my life……. is online. So Google is supposed to be the greatest thing created since sliced bread. Google has the most popular search engine and has numerous things it can do. There’s Google Buzz, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Apps, and so on and so on. Google is a twenty billion dollar business, respectively.

The reason why Google gets a, “you doing too much” is because of one of its programs has a glitch in it. Well maybe not a glitch, I guess it depends on how you view it. The problem is with Google’s G-chat. Basically, if your on one computer and get on your Google account and then get on G-chat and leave the computer but never log off, and then get on another computer, how ever miles away and log in again, your chat conversion can be seen on both computers.

Example: I’m on Michelle’s computer checking my G-mail account and chatting with Tasha. I leave Michelle’s house or computer and didn’t log out of my G-mail and go home. When I get home, I log in to G-mail and continue chatting with Tasha. Since I never logged out of Michelle’s computer, Michelle can see the chat im currently having with Tasha……live. Not only old conversations but the current one as well.

Now to Google’s defense on G-chat it tells you all the places that your logged in, but still this could cause a lot of problems for businesses and relationships, especially if someone forgets to log out of their G-mail which connected to their G-chat. At least after a certain amount of time it should automatically log you out or let you know your currently logged in somewhere else before it lets you log in again some place new.

Maybe I need to be on Google’s research and development team. I need to send Google a resume.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

U.S. Government affected Guatemalans with Syphilis in the 1940's

In the 1940’s the U.S. government infected around 1500 men and women with sexually transmitted disease’s. Most of them were men and women that were mentally challenged. The doctors discovered a new form of antibiotics and wanted test the strength of the antibiotics on STDs, in particular syphilis. The goal of these tests was to find a cure and/or prevent the disease. The doctors also infected the patients with Gonorrhea and Chancroid. After some investigation of these tests, the reports state that the Guatemalan government were aware of these experiments, allowed the tests, and might have approved them in exchange for large amounts of penicillin. In the end a majority of the patients were treated and one person died.

Alluding the obvious, “you doing too much,” I am all in for the discovery of medicine to cure diseases. At some point if not in the beginning, there should be some consideration of morals in these and any other experiments on human beings. I don’t believe in potentially sacrificing lives with the hope of saving future lives. These weren’t just tests on people who had STDs, they deliberately infected people who didn’t have STDs against their will and without their consent. This was just unethical.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius both apologized for the research and had this to say, “Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health.”

The discovery of these experiments were made by Professor Susan M. Reverby while she was researching the incidents that occurred with the Tuskegee Experiment. This just makes you wonder if there’re or were any other experiments existing past or present that we don’t know about. These experiments were documented in the University of Pittsburgh archives years ago, but somehow no one knew about it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

P. Diddy wearing a skirt

“Hello, Good Morning?” P. Diddy and Dirty Money opened a show called “MTV Crashes Glasgow.” Of course you may have figured out that Glasgow is a city in Scotland. Diddy wanted to show Scotland love by wearing a kilt. Diddy, you’re worth over 300 million and you have your own clothing line, so there are plenty of things you could of worn. A kilt, take that, take that, take that off! “You doing too much,” you could of just worn the country’s colors.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chad Ochocinco Cereal

Uh-oh-ochocinco! Cincinnati Bengal’s wide receiver, Chad Ochocinco has a new collectors edition cereal out in stores. It’s called, “OchocincO’s” which is a low-fat, honey nut, toasted oats brand cereal. Surprisingly, with Mr. Ochocinco’s antics, reality television show, and comments on social media, this “you doing too much” is not for him. In this case, the “you doing too much” goes to the manufacturer of the cereal. There's a one eight hundred number on the box for the Feed the Children charity, which proceeds from the cereal goes toward the charity. You might say, “what’s wrong with that?” Well, the number on the box has a typo. The actual number on the box connects to a sex hot-line and some woman answers saying…………..well you know.

Ochocinco went to his large audience on his Twitter account to apologize. He wrote, “Awe man Im bummed about the cereal number mixup on the cereal, trying to do good and got messed up, of all numbers why that one!!! Sorry”