
The term "you doing too much" is a grammatically incorrect phrase used to identify a person, place or thing, that is doing exactly that; the act of “doing too much” or more then they can handle. These actions can be simple as someone dressed inappropriately to political views.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Google #Fail ?????

“My life, my life, my life…… the sunshine.” It should be more like my life, my life, my life……. is online. So Google is supposed to be the greatest thing created since sliced bread. Google has the most popular search engine and has numerous things it can do. There’s Google Buzz, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Apps, and so on and so on. Google is a twenty billion dollar business, respectively.

The reason why Google gets a, “you doing too much” is because of one of its programs has a glitch in it. Well maybe not a glitch, I guess it depends on how you view it. The problem is with Google’s G-chat. Basically, if your on one computer and get on your Google account and then get on G-chat and leave the computer but never log off, and then get on another computer, how ever miles away and log in again, your chat conversion can be seen on both computers.

Example: I’m on Michelle’s computer checking my G-mail account and chatting with Tasha. I leave Michelle’s house or computer and didn’t log out of my G-mail and go home. When I get home, I log in to G-mail and continue chatting with Tasha. Since I never logged out of Michelle’s computer, Michelle can see the chat im currently having with Tasha……live. Not only old conversations but the current one as well.

Now to Google’s defense on G-chat it tells you all the places that your logged in, but still this could cause a lot of problems for businesses and relationships, especially if someone forgets to log out of their G-mail which connected to their G-chat. At least after a certain amount of time it should automatically log you out or let you know your currently logged in somewhere else before it lets you log in again some place new.

Maybe I need to be on Google’s research and development team. I need to send Google a resume.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I forget to log out at home and I chat on another computer during the day. When I get home I see my entire chat. Not cool. Sad thing is it is so easy to forget to log out. Good post and points.
